What is RGCD?
RGCD (Retro Gamer CD) initially started as a retro-gaming CD-based discmag that I first published pretty much single-handedly back in 2006. Growing as a collective (and in popularity), over the next few years we released a further four issues before real-life finally caught up with me and I unfortunately no longer had the time to compile and edit the magazine in 2009/10.
Although the magazine side is still very much something I'd like to return to in the future (although perhaps in a different format), since 2009 RGCD has evolved into a games development team and retro publisher, concentrating on the Atari STE, PC and C64 platforms.
RGCD.DEV is our game development label for modern (i.e. non-retro) platforms.
The RGCD Team
RGCD is made up of the following members:
RGCD Game Development
James Monkman (Project Leader/Design/Code)
Jamie Howard (Project Manager/Design/Code/C64 Code)
Dr. Martin Wendt (Project Manager/Design/C64 Code)
Achim Volkers (Design/C64 Code)
Antonio Savona (Design/C64 Code)
Cédric Bourse (Design/Multiplatform Code)
Georg Rottensteiner (Design/C64 Code)
Ilija Melentijevic (Design/Pixel Art)
John Christian Lønningdal (Design/C64 Code)
Jason Kelk (Design/C64 Code)
Nicolas Flandin (Design/Atari STE Code)
Ray Lejuez (C64 Hardware Guru/NTSC Testing)
Saul Cross (Design/Pixel Art)
Stefan Nowak (Video Recording)
Tim Harris (C64 Hardware Guru)
RGCD Newsteam
James Monkman (Editor)
John Dennis (Assistant Editor)
Ruari O'Toole (Assistant Editor)
Elliot Taylor (Web Design)
Alex Ross-Shaw (Writer)
Andrew Ogier (Writer)
Andy Jenkinson (Writer)
Anton MacArthur (Writer)
Flemming Dupont (Writer)
Jason Kelk (Writer)
Nick Korn (Writer)
Peter Redmer (Writer)
Ray Perry (Writer)
Sven Ruthner (Writer)
Travis Fahs (Writer)