Thursday, 18 August 2011

Edge Grinder in Micro Mart (& Current Status)

This popped up in my inbox today from Tim Harris, the guy responsible for the hardware side of our C64 cartridge project (click image to open a larger version in another window/tab). RGCD in Micro Mart again?
Unfortunately this good press will not result in any sales as both Not Even Human and Edge Grinder are currently out of stock. However, I will be making a few more of each next month when we release Cosine's C64 version of Blok Copy (T.M.R's RGCD Cart Dev Compo entry) - so I'll keep you posted on that.
Remember - if you want to get regular updates from this site (as and when they are posted) you can always click on 'subscribe' or enter your details in the 'subscribe by email' box over on the right. Doing so will ensure that you won't miss out on the next run of cartridges. ;)

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