Friday, 20 July 2012

Greenrunner/Redrunner/Retroskoi+ Cartridge Available! (C64)

Just a very short post to announce that Aleksi Eeben's Greenrunner/Redrunner/Retroskoi+ cartridge has been added to our shop!

Yet again, RGCD and Psytronik Software have collaborated to bring you a multi-format release - this time of two of the finest arcade games available for the Commodore 64, Aleksi Eeben's acclaimed Greenrunner and Redrunner - both upgraded and optimised to run on both PAL and NTSC machines. Not only that, but Aleksi has also managed to squeeze into the 64kb cartridge version an updated (and also NTSC fixed) version of Retroskoi+, converting your C64 computer into a two-oscillator monophonic synthesizer.

As mentioned previously in my preview post, this has been a release that I've been very excited about - it has taken a long time to organise, but the end result has really been more than worth the effort. The 64KB cartridge version is housed in a clear cartridge shell illuminated by an internal flashing green and red LED, complete with a printed manual and Retroskoi+ reference sheet. The package costs £25/26 inclusive of Europe/Worldwide shipping.

The games are also available together on disk or tape from Psytronik Software - with the tape, disk and premium disk versions costing £4.99/£4.99/£9.99 respectively (plus shipping).

Retroskoi+ is exclusive to the cartridge release, but the two games and mp3 soundtrack can be downloaded for free from the Greenrunner/Redrunner/Retroskoi+ game page.

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