Monday, 4 June 2012

Retro News Update

Sorry for the lack of posts recently - I'm currently very busy with my real-life job, but things will calm down in the near future so please hang in there! (Also, Soulless selling in ridiculous quantities hasn't helped matters - my kitchen is stacked to the ceiling with parcels to send after the holiday here in the UK).

Anyway, here's a quick little post to let you know of three great PC indie bundles that you should definitely support while the offers are still open. More retro-centric news will follow soon after (when I've had a chance to trawl through the internet). So, here we go (in alphabetical order)...

Bundle-In-A-Box: Adventure Bundle (PC)

Our good friend (and ex-staff member) Gnome of Retro Treasures and fame has made it no secret that he's a fan of the adventure genre, so it should come as no surprise that his recent offering is the aptly titled 'Adventure Bundle'. For a current minimum price of $0.99 (although, of course you should offer what you can afford!) you will recieve Gemini Rue, Ben There Dan That, Time Gentlemen Please and The Sea Will Claim Everything. Beat the average price of $4.50ish and you'll also receive The Shiva and Metal Dead!

The killer app in this collection is undoubtedly Gemini Rue (pictured above, and £6.99 on Steam), so pick it up now for a great price! Interestingly, the money being raised isn't just for charity - a percentage is being offered as an indie-grant to voted-for developers in order to fund promising new projects.

Buy your copy from here!

Humble Bundle: The Humble Bundle V (PC/Mac/Linux)

Ah, the Humble Bundle are back with another stellar collection, including the amazing Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Psychonauts, Limbo and much hyped PC version of the iOS game Sword and Sorcery (pictured). All for the price of $1. Beat the average (currently under $8) and you'll get Bastion too!

Of course, the only issue with the games all being modern classics is that, well, if you are an indie fanboy (or fangirl) you'll probably have them in your collection already. But if not, snap them up quick! Did I forget to mention that you'll receive the soundtracks too?

Buy your copy from here!

Indie Royale: The Graduation Bundle (PC/Mac)

What? More games for a mere pittance? Yes, here's another bundle from Indie Royale, featuring The Void, Dead Pixels, The Ship, 1000 Amps and LaserCat. Ok, so there's no standout 'must buy' title here... unless you look at the 'beat the minimum' unlockables that include the bonus Ichi and the incredible AirMech (pictured).

For a tiny £3.50 you can get your hands on the beta-release Steam key for AirMech and start playing this great little innovative action-strategy kill-em-up featuring giant transforming robots and all kinds of futuristic battleground chaos. Which is just what we like for breakfast here at RGCD HQ.

Buy your copy from here!

And remember kids - it's for charity, so dig deep! ;)


  1. Gemini Rue is a game, not an app.

    I have games from each bundle, and each bundle is totally worthwhile! Some excellent ones in each. (Humble Bundle wins though.)

  2. Just bought the top two bundles - not sure when I'll get time to play through 'em all but good to have 'em lined up to play when I get the chance! :)
