Saturday, 7 May 2011

RGCD Website Status

Regarding the inclusion of the 'Other Projects' tab on the navbar above, over the weekend I'll be moving over details on some of our projects from the old RGCD site. Apologies if you are following us or subscribe and get spammed by a load of stuff that may be not be relevant or of interest to you, but unfortunately it is a necessity. I really want to progress with the migration and there seems to be no way of adding posts without them also being mailed out to subscribers (even historical posts are sent out as updates, as you may have seen when I moved the Robotz DX and r0x pages).

I'm continuing to post news as and when I can, but don't be alarmed if a few older items are blogged here in the coming days and weeks; as well as moving the site over I am probably going to post up some of the more suitable reviews and articles from previous RGCD issues (and there are well over 100 of them to choose from).

In other news, RGCD collaborator iLkke has kindly agreed to pixel a new logo for the blog. Although I'm a massive fan of ptoing (and his previous RGCD logo) he's just too busy these days to help and the current logo isn't an ideal size to be used on a blogger site.

There are a few other bits and pieces I could mention about or ongoing r0x zer0 project, but Tomchi has sworn me to secrecy... ;)

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