Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Phoenix Fighters CD32 (Amiga CD32)

Copyright Bitwise, 1999 (Alive)
Unofficial Amiga CD32 Conversion By Heavy Stylus

Phoenix Fighters was a real surprise, not only because it's a great game, but also because it's CD-based, requires no hard disk installation or keyboard input yet the original CD doesn't boot on a CD32! This has now been rectified by recreating the original disc with Commodore's CDTV/CD32 developers kit.

Phoenix Fighters is also a game that many of you will not have heard of due to it being released in 1999, years after the Amiga's commercial life - but that doesn't mean it's a poor quality release. In fact, Phoenix Fighters is possibly one of the best Thrust type games I've ever played on the Amiga; with a huge number of varied missions, competitive and co-operative two-player modes and superb presentation throughout.

This recently revised .iso (version 1.01) includes an improved boot sequence and full instructions on disc in the 'Docs' folder.

Phoenix Fighters CD32 Front CD Insert
Phoenix Fighters CD32 Back CD Insert
Phoenix Fighters CD32 (Full Game .nrg)

(Return to the Unofficial Amiga CD32 Conversions page).


  1. Is the iso image ok? K3B says the filesize is smaller than declared volume size (2.2MB vs. 2.7MB)

  2. Hi Jupp3 - yes, the game runs and is complete.
