Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Vision Collection CD32 (Amiga CD32) [Keyboard Required]

Copyright Vision, 1992 (Future Publishing / Linel)
Unofficial Amiga CD32 Compilation By Heavy Stylus
WHDLoad Patches By Codetapper/Action (Cybernetix, Kiros Quest & Microbes)

Vision were one of my favourite development groups on the Amiga, and to date Roadkill is still my all-time top single-player racing game. Closely linked to Acid Software, much of Vision's back-catalogue made it to the CD32 (Seek & Destroy, Overkill and of course Roadkill) but there are still several omissions. (Nearly) completing the collection, on this CD I've included three of their earlier releases; Cybernetix (a superb Defender/Asteroids mash-up), Kiros Quest (an isometric arcade puzzler) and Microbes (a simple Jeff Minter inspired blaster).
The stand-out title here is Cybernetix, a superb shareware arcade-style shoot 'em up that borrows elements from Asteroids and Defender. It's always been a firm favourite of mine and has stood the test of time really well thanks to it's classic gameplay and stylish presentation. It's a shame that the smart bomb wasn't mapped to a second button (instead of the spacebar), as apart from that there's no keyboard input required.

Kiros Quest is also worth a look, and although Microbes is the weakest game in the collection it still puts many other PD/Shareware titles to shame. The Vision releases missing from this collection are Gnome (there's still no WHDLoad version of this one), Woody's World (I can't get the game to run on real hardware, although it is fine when tested on WinUAE) and the two Zombie Apocalypse games (which may appear at a later date).

Vision Collection CD32 Front CD Insert
Vision Collection CD32 Back CD Insert
Vision Collection CD32 (Full Game .iso)

(Return to the Unofficial Amiga CD32 Conversions page).

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